Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Essential Questions - follow-up

Evidence of some great thinking going on in your comment posts to the Essential Questions assignment! Everyone is thinking BIG - above the specific details of the unit and out to the over-arching importance of the learning. Remember that true EQs are controlling ideas for large chunks of learning, the guiding forces or purposes for designing a learning unit. They first must direct your choice of material and secondarily will give purpose to learning for your students.

Before you let go of the idea, try writing EQs for other units in your teaching year, including those you have already done. Write these down somewhere so you can wrestle with them again when you come to prepare the units. Hey, if you stick them somewhere in YOUR blog, you might get someone else's help with refining them.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Essential Questions

Write your 2 sample essential questions as a comment to this post.

David Warlick quote

"If all our children learn to do is read, they will not be literate." David Warlick

Has the definition of literacy changed? React to Warlick's quote with your thinking about literacy.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Welcome to blogging in the Information Literacy class. This blog is a place for all of us to post some thoughts and reactions while we learn about one of the most important new sources of information available online. While blogs are most often public journals with a single author, ours will demonstrate how a blog might be used with a group of learners to share information.

To keep this one organized for the entire class, I'll be posting prompts from time to time to which you will reply or "comment." In addition, each of your individual "journals" will be attached to this blog so that we may share reflections on learning throughout the course.

It will be interesting to see how each of our "voices" comes out here even though we will be able to talk to one another daily.